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The Delegation of African Young Officers visits NUDT


The delegation of African Young Officers visited National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) from May 24th to 26th. During the three-day visit, over 80 young officers from more than 40 countries attended thematic lectures, visited scientific achievements and participated in scientific innovation practice. Through the activities, they exchanged their ideas with NUDT students.

Thematic lectures of renewing China-Africa friendship and promoting China-Africa cooperation

Thematic lectures of renewing China-Africa friendship and promoting China-Africa cooperation

Scientific innovation practice: assembly test and flight test of model rocket

Scientific innovation practice: assembly test and flight test of model rocket

African officers experience traditional Chinese culture

African officers experience traditional Chinese culture

The African officers said that they learned a lot in this rewarding visit and felt the enthusiasm of the spirited NUDT students. This visit gave them more insight into the University and impressed them with a more multi-dimensional NUDT.

Their visit to NUDT is reported to be only one stop of their journey to China. This event, host by Office for International Military Cooperation, MND, PRC, and organized by NUDT, aims to deepen the mutual understanding and communication of China and African young officers and promote China-Africa friendship.