
As a comprehensive and research university, NUDT constantly strives for achieving academic and research excellence and making first-class contributions.

首页 About
National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) is a comprehensive research university listed in the national “Double First-Class” initiative. It has been constantly dedicated to cultivating first-class talents and making first-class achievements for making first-class contributions. It has been playing an essential role in China’s economic and social development and national security over a history spanning 70 years. As a hub for talents cultivation and a powerhouse for scientific research and innovation, NUDT focuses on the global trend in science and technology, and is dedicated to developing high-caliber talents ...
  • 1953

    National University of Defense Technology, formerly the Military Academy of Engineering, People's Liberation Army, was founded  in 1953 in Harbin of Heilongjiang Province.

  • 1959

    The Academy was designated as one of the 20 key universities in China. 

  • 1970

    The Academy moved south to Changsha, Hunan province, and was renamed Changsha Institute of Technology.

  • 1978

    Changsha Institute of Technology changed its name to National University of Defense Technology. 

  • 1985

    NUDT was among China's first batch to establish College of Graduate in 1985 after receiving approval with other 21 universities.

  • 1996

    The University was included in the National Project 211 which is aimed at strenthening about 100 institutions of higher education and key disciplinary areas in the 21st century. 

  • 2006

    The University was included in the National Project 985 which is aimed to build world-class universities.

  • 2017

    The University was rebuilt on the basis of National University of Defense Technology, University of International Relations, National Defense Information Institute, Xi'an Communication Institute, College of Electronic Engineering, and College of Meteorology and Oceanography, PLA University of Science and Technology, with the Sixty-Third Research Institute being incorporated.

    NUDT was listed in the National Double First-class Initiative which is aimed to build world-class universities and world-class disciplines. 

  • 2023

    The University celebrates its 70th Anniversary. 

Facts & Figures
  • 1953
  • 14
    Colleges & Institutes
  • 5
    National “Double First Class” Disciplines
  • 8
    Level A Disciplines
  • 61
    Undergraduate Programs
  • 4000+
  • 1700
    Master Supervisors
  • 600
    Doctoral Supervisors
  • 3
    State Key Laboratories
  • 3400
    Library Collection (k)