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NUDT teams win two championships of UMSIC


Recently, the 7th Unmanned Systems Innovation Competition (UMSIC) came to an end in Cairo, Egypt. Kylin Governor team and Oriented Dragon team from NUDT won the championship of the Unmanned Ground Vehicles Competition (UGVC) and the Unmanned Maritime Vehicles Competition (UMVC).

Sponsored by the Egyptian Ministry of Defense and undertaken by the Egypt's Military Technical College (MTC), the UMSIC is the key event of Egypt's Science Day. The UMSIC includes the Unmanned Ground Vehicles Competition (UGVC), Unmanned Maritime Vehicles Competition (UMVC) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Competition (UAVC). Characterized by engineering practice and fieldwork, the UMSIC focuses on the practical application of unmanned vehicles.

This four-day competition attracts over 30 teams from different universities around the world. The UGVC consists of 16 tasks in four contests including technical oral defense, crossing complex terrain, equipment service and independent navigation. The UMVC tasks include underwater pipeline cleaning, target searching and recognition, item replacement, etc.

Since 2016, NUDT teams have participated in the UMSIC for five times. This year, the teams won the championship of the UGVC for the fifth time and won the championship of the UMVC again after four years.